Faculty of Science & Life Sciences


The Faculty of Science started in 1960 with 5 students only and with subjects: Zoology, Botany, Physics, Chemistry and Maths. The College was one of the first under R.D.V.V. to start vocational courses in Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Computer Science in 1991 and Biotechnology in 2006-07. The Faculty of Science and Life Sciences has well equipped spacious laboratories with all modern amenities like computer, overhead projectors, bio-visual charts, models, etc., in order to make the teaching-learning process more effective. Practical work being an integral part of Science courses is carried out by qualified Professors and expert Lab. Attendants. All through the academic year, various activities like : seminars, workshops, symposia and programmes on current issues of interest (as covered in the syllabi), like visits to places of ecological importance, research institutes, factories, animal rehabilitation Centres, museums etc., are organized by the concerned departments. Students are encouraged to participate in all these activities and write presentations, project reports as part of the requirements of their courses. All activities are arranged to create an awareness of current issues in the students and to motivate them to develop a mature response to issues of national and International interests.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

The B.Sc. degree from Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.) is a six semester course. The College offers the following groups of subjects as approved by the R.D.V.V., Jabalpur A compulsory Foundation Course subject for all in all the semesters as provided in Section-A. In addition, the student will have to opt one of the available subject combinations as provided in Section-B.

B.Sc. Semester I

Section-A. Compulsory Foundation Course

Paper-I    हिन्दी भाषा और संवेदना

Paper-II    Development of Entrepreneurship (उद्यमिता विकास)

B.Sc. Semester II

Paper-I    English Language and Indian Culture

Paper-II    Development of Entrepreneurship (उद्यमिता विकास)

B.Sc. Semester III

Paper I        हिन्दी भाषा और संवेदना

Paper II    Environmental Studies (पर्यावरणीय अध्ययन)

B.Sc. Semester IV

Paper I        English Language and Scientific Temper

Paper II    Environmental Studies (पर्यावरणीय अध्ययन)

B.Sc. Semester V

Paper I      भाषा कौशल एबं संचार साधन

Paper II    Basic Computer Information Technology-I (बेसिक्स -ऑफ़ कंप्यूटर तथा इंफोरमेशन टेक्नॉलाजी – I)

B.Sc. Semester VI

Paper I      English Language and Aspects of Development

Paper II    Basic Computer Information Technology-II (बेसिक्स -ऑफ़ कंप्यूटर तथा इंफोरमेशन टेक्नॉलाजी – II)

Section-B. Available Subject Combinations

  1. Biochem – Botany – Chemistry
  2. Botany – Chemistry – Zoology
  3. Biotechnology – Chemistry – Zoology
  4. Chemistry – Mathematics – Physics
  5. Computer Science – Mathematics – Physics
  6. Electronics – Mathematics – Physics
  7. Botany – Chemistry – Microbiology